Canadia Bank PLC

  1. Canadia Bank PLC (CNB) is clearly the leading Bank in Cambodia, registering strong financial growth on a CAGR basis during the past few years. It has a dominant market share for loans and deposits.
  2. Established in 1991 under a joint venture between overseas Cambodians (present shareholders) and the National Bank of Cambodia (the Central bank), it was then a pioneer of the banking industry. Today, it continues to be one of the most trusted financial institution for the Cambodian public.
  3. The Bank’s corporate structure adheres very strictly to the requirements under the Banking Act and the regulations as set by the National Bank of Cambodia. The Board of Directors is the highest authority organ of the Bank and has the appropriate number of independent directors.
  4. Canadia Bank PLC will be embarking on its Transformation Program (Project LEAP), based upon 5 key strategic pillars focussing on Enhancing Core Business, Developing New Business, Risk Management & Controls, HR & Employee Engagement and Corporate Efficiency & Processes. 
  5. The Compliance infrastructure of the Bank is in alignment with regional banking standards and complies strictly with the regulations of the Central Bank. The function reports to a Board Committee chaired by an Independent Directors. is coming!